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Thoughtful Design

I create timeless designs for sophisticated women featuring fashionable styles that travel the globe. Attention to detail, quality and comfortability is paramount.  My art is an extension of my passion for creating.  

Icelandic and European craftsmanship passed down to me through my family inspired my attention to detail and set my standards high. My grandmother was an impeccable seamstress, my grandfather a precise woodworker, father an accomplished builder and mother a wildly imaginative painter. I create paintings and design with a visual sense.

A lot of personal care goes into creating my designs, using sustainable fibers such for my shirts that have been perfected for its fit over the years.  I am impsired by my dreams and intuition. My garments are made to last and over time in elegance, durability and style.

All my garments are sewn in New York State and sold online.

As an artist since early childhood watching my mother paint, I would also paint and draw. I continue to explore art as a passiion that feeds my soul.  Like the ocean goes deep. 
Discover my Art Gallery and The Orchard Shirt.

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